The Gift

Via E-mail:

Can I buy you a drink?
Seriously. I have litrelly* 4 pound twelve in coins… but nothing to do with it. I find the only reasonable thing to do is put it in an envelope and send it to someone who can spend it.

Re: Can I buy you a drink?
Just get it changed to $ and buy yourself a can of beer.


Alright, Steve does make a good point. But, I ask you this: if money were not an issue, which option would you choose? Take a minute to really think about that question. Why would you make that choice? Put it in the comments below. Ask your cube-mate, girlfriend, or buddy. Use it to start a conversation with a perfect stranger.

The point is, we make decisions as if it’s the reasonable things to do, but they’re really done for a different reason – often times that’s because it’s easier, or cheaper, or you don’t know any other way. But, if you stop and think about the reasons you make choices, those choices may begin to change.

You know what I did, right?

I spent $9.45

to send ~$6.00

to a buddy in hopes that £4.12 will buy him a beer.

I even know it might not actually be enough for a beer. So, why did I do it? Two reasons;

The Gesture

No price can be paid for making someone’s day. (I gotta Tweet that! ) How much would you be willing to spend to make someone smile? To make thier day? To add an unforgetable moment to their life? How about fifteen American dollars? I thought so.

The Story

We will always have that story, now. Either of us. Both of us. Whenever money, or mailing weird things, or buying someone a beer is brought up in conversation, we will both have this story to tell. There is no better way to “live an extaordinary life” than to create good stories with it. (I gotta Tweet that! )

Choose the option that tells the best story.”

The thought that in a few days someone I know will enjoy a little laughter, a big smile, and a seemingly ridiculous story… is a gift.

I can just about hear his laughter now.

Keep on giving,

litrelly – ˈli·trə·lē – adverb – used in place of the word literally when you mean figuratively.


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