Where to?

The human being has infinite possibilities in one’s lifetime. One of those is enlightenment. In fact, enlightenment is achievable in anyone’s lifetime. While it does take work, it doesn’t matter when that work starts, just that it does start.

And if you believe that, I’ve got another yarn to spin:

Anything is possible in this lifetime. Consider that enlightenment (or going to heaven if you prefer that analogy) is the ultimate goal to life, and it is possible to anyone, at any time, as long as they are willing to start the work. It only plays to logic that all other goals or aspirations are completely attainable to anyone at any time… as long as you’re willing to do the work.

The chase is better than the catch

While we’re at it, as long as you’re doing the work, you actually are that person you want to be, during the activity of achieving the goal. The goal is in the path to the goal. You can’t fully accept that truth until you’ve experienced it, so for now, trust the bajillions of people wiser than I who have said it before. Or think about the last time you just had to have something shiny… and the shine wore off a few months after having it – maybe even a few days.

You were more fulfilled in each small step towards the shiny something than you were in the actual shiny something.

It doesn’t matter who or what you are, it matters where you are going.

Why is this important?

The shiny something is actually the identity… or ego if you prefer. The tiny steps to get there, or the routine, or the actual work… is what is fulfilling.

When you want to lose weight, the scale number looks nice, but the run feels better. Saying I worked out every day this week does more for the soul than the number or the dress size. In fact, the identity of being a runner actually lasts longer than the identity to the weight, so even before you reach the shiny perfect weight, you feel fulfilled because you are actively working to achieve the weight.

This works for anything: becoming a writer, being a good cook, playing music, sports, being an artist. You are happier with the writing, the cooking, the playing, the art than you are with the label. After every one of life’s goals in acheived, we enjoy for a moment (often not long enough), but then we have a drive to do something else.

Success is in the actions. The fulfillment is in the work. Being on the path to the destination is the destination.

Our emotions thrive when we are going somewhere and we are able to go anywhere.

So, where to?


Quitting Is For Winners

Safely and successfully transition from your current routine to your dream life

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