On being cool

I’m so tired of people explaining what their tattoo means.
Don’t people just get skulls because they’re cool, anymore?
– A. Turk

We seem to have something backwards as a people.  We create an ideal around something… and then we do it.  We think that when we do something, or go somewhere, or get something, it is going to achieve some goal.

We do never-ending research to find the perfect way to execute, place to go, or piece to get. We figure out what everyone else had the best experience doing, seeing, or having. We use that “perfect” and “best” to create a reason why we should do it, too. No… no… no… the reason why we deserve to do, see, or have it!

Finally, we’re ready to pull the trigger.  And we do.  And WOW!  It’s freakin’ amazing.  It’s everything it was supposed to be.  It’s everything we planned.  It’s… just… like… we… thought it would be!  We are fulfilled.

Sort of.  I mean… you know… I thought it would last longer.  I thought the weather would be nicer.  I thought it would go faster.  But, ummm… still… you know, it was cool.
Sound familiar?  Kind of sucks, right?  How about this?

Just do it because it’s cool.

Instead of having a reason or motive or deep philosophical agenda, do something just for the experience.  Do something just for the story.  Do something… just to say you did it.  Because, that, my friends… is cool. ( ←Tweet this)

And let the lesson just come when it does.  It will.

Do… it…

Let’s start doing things without a grand plan. Let’s stop setting an expectation of what it’s going to be like. Let’s stop making justifications in case someone asks us why we’re doing it. Let’s just do what we think is cool.

Go do those things that will tattoo your soul with an amazing story. (←Tweet this)

Now, you are that story.


Quitting Is For Winners

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