The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoir
Read this today. Write your Memoir today
…In 5 Easy Steps
A lot of us feel like we’ve got something inside that we just need to get out to world. For many of us, that’s a fiction book. For others – clearing throat – it’s a how-to resource. But, for the select few, it’s something a bit more personal.
It’s our own story.
It used to take a particular type of person to commit to getting that something out into the public. But now, with self-publishing, e-publishing, and readily available blog platforms, there’s very little standing in our way to get out to the public what we need to say.
The only thing stopping us now… is us.

It’s a really awesome little book! I learnt things! Breaking down the kinds of memories that exist was super helpful for setting the stage and helping me get clear.
An easy to understand guide to help you get started on your story. Whatever story you want to get out into the world, Stu will help you with his step-by-step instructions. You’ll be writing in no time…or at least after the 20 minutes it takes you to read the guide.
A fantastic overview of the writing process with easy and actionable advice (the worksheet at the end is the icing on the cake). I love the easily digestible conversational style.
How To Write A Memoir:
Creating your memoirs – getting that something out to the world – can be easier than you think. Particularly if you break it down into five simple steps.
…and that’s what “The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoirs” does.
This guide is laid out into five simple sections aimed to get you writing your memoirs in a systematic way, so it’s easier for you to keep on track and follow through!
But, you need more than just words on a page to keep on track, don’t you? That’s why The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoir includes:
Bonus Worksheet!
Simple, printable, fill-in-the-blank two page worksheet that all but fills itself in for you.
We’re all guilty of reading “how-to” books and then just putting them down, thinking, “Yeah, that sounds easy.” Then, never touching it again. The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoir ends with the bonus worksheet that steps you right back through with amble space to fill in your story.

Chapter Overview:
Step 1.
We’ll review the four common reasons people write memoirs to give you a focal point to begin your own.
Step 2.
In what order? There’s more options that just the simple chronological timeline.
Step 3.
Layout the memoir. Get your ideas all sorted and create a framework to make each piece easier to write.
Step 4.
Create a schedule. One doesn’t just sit down and write a book. That would be an overwhelming task. Tackle the actual content writing in steps.
Step 5.
Writing the content. Decide on your medium. We’ll discuss a bit of the techy side of things. This will help you “press publish” a lot easier when you’re ready.
About the Author
I’m Stu. I’m an ex-IT guru turned digital nomad. A little while back, life just didn’t seem OK. Something was missing… terribly, terribly, missing.
After quitting a 15 year career, writing the quintessential guide to quitting your job – Quitting Is For Winners, creating a sustainable income building websites for and teaching yoga through, I realized something was still missing. So, with a LOT less planning, I quit teaching yoga, packed my car, and went on a contemporary vision quest to “figure it all out.”
During this quest, I started writing again. This time, the writing was more about me, my journey, and the lessons I learned. It was a deeply personal series of blog posts – a memoir of the journey.
People kinda loved it!
…and it really wasn’t that hard to get started.
That’s why this is a one-day guide. Don’t overthink things. Just start.
Is This for You?
If you’ve ever considered writing your story, but wasn’t sure how or where to start, The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoir is for you. It will give you everything you need to get started.
This short, easy to follow guide will get you started writing your memoirs today.
The 1-Day Guide to Writing Your Memoirs
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