Have you recently gone rogue? (become self-employed)
Have you been dreaming about quitting your job?
Have you made NO decision because you just have no idea what to do?
Digital Nomad Path
is re-launching…
A search for something more than just THE dream.
Take a look into the future and see what working for yourself is really like:
- Find out what to expect before leaving full-time
- Learn that keeping going when all seems lost is really what matters
- Discover the cornucopia of options for staying out of the rat race
- See first-hand what it’s like to live a life of travel + self-study
Three years after quitting a full-time career, I’ve learned plenty of lessons.
The biggest lesson is that every path is different, yet the destination is the same:
DigitalNomadPath.net is re-launching soon…
Professional Freedom does not cause gender change in most men, remove actual handcuffs, or make balloons magically appear where there previously were none. Professional Freedom has been known to cause an unsettling feeling of “why didn’t I do this sooner?”