Diary of a Failed Digital Nomad

Diary of a Failed Digital Nomad

  A few days before my last trip, I got a message that my Digital Nomad domain was expiring and it was time to renew.As with all my domains, I take a few minutes to reflect on whether I really want to keep it before clicking the renew button.Maybe you’ve already...
Afraid Of Your Fears

Afraid Of Your Fears

  It was a ridiculously hot November day as the Ninneman section of Chiang Mai bustles around me. Finally, I’ve found the space to do nothing. In the shade, with a cold pressed juice, I settle into a book. I don’t read much, but I do my best to support the work of...
What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

  Space. There’s not enough room in our brain to keep everything. But, we try. And when we do, we just have no idea how which are the good things and which are the bad things. We spend so much energy trying to keep all the things, it can stop us from doing any...
The Devil’s Due

The Devil’s Due

  There are two ways to live your life; in fear of death, or in spite of it. Here’s a story not many people know: I almost died. Drowned to be precise. I remember the water coming over my head, then receding a bit, and gasping for air. I remember that happening...
How To Be Legendary

How To Be Legendary

  Most people are surprised to get in my car and hear electronic dance music… which I listen to almost consistently. It’s a downright shock for folks to learn that at the top of my all-time top 5 favorite bands is the legendary Motörhead. That’s...
Be Not Nobody

Be Not Nobody

  Do you subscribe to a bunch of email lists? Yeah, me, too. However, there are only a couple I read religiously. Mostly friends’ blogs, but there are a couple others. I’m sitting outside the restaurant I valet at and I’m passing time reading emails....