by digitalnomad | Jan 12, 2016
Most people are surprised to get in my car and hear electronic dance music… which I listen to almost consistently. It’s a downright shock for folks to learn that at the top of my all-time top 5 favorite bands is the legendary Motörhead. That’s...
by digitalnomad | Dec 31, 2015
The lessons that creep in after a trip or journey are said to be the most important. I guess I should write a 10 biggest lessons learned from my journey, but you know, it’s really all one BIG lesson that boils down to a single word. People. I talked about...
by digitalnomad | Dec 24, 2015
Entrepreneur Interview with Stu Entrepreneur Interview with Stu...
by digitalnomad | Dec 10, 2015
This post is out of chronological order for reasons that will become quite obvious. But, during my travels, I took a little side trip to visit a friend for a few days. Unfortunately, my friend already had plans and being a good friend went out of their way to see if...
by digitalnomad | Dec 8, 2015
“It’s chilly,” I think as I make my way out to the main street surrounding the city. It’s only a short walk to the restaurant I’ve gotten used to eating dinner at. It’s kind of a street stall, really. They put tables and chairs in the road....